Whew, made it back. So, there has been alot of excitement lately. For those of you who are unaware, I recently flew to California. I know, you're thinking, vaca right? NOPE. Actually, I flew out to interview with the textile department for FIDM, the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles California. SO, I got to show off some of my favorite wooly creations, and they were impressed. So impressed that they accepted me as one of the FEW knitting students of the Professional Knitwear Design Program. Upon completion of my courses and internships :D:D I will go on to become a designer of knitwear and the world of fashionable knits opens to me! Needless to say, I am really excited for this! I also have sent in a pattern of mine to be reviewed in a local publication....cant say which yet, not firmed up.
You may ask, what have you been doing in the rest of the time? Well, I have taken a part time job to supplement for my move, and have been diligently knitting. I have been working out the kinks on 6 of my large scale designs, and have nearly completed a sweater for......ME!!! I've done a few more works for the knitting shops and can't wait to post all the pictures! I've also been reviewing some new LYS(local yarn shops) in the Southern LA area, which I am preparing to frequent.
Then, there's the spinning. Oh yeah, spinning. My love of yarn is ever growing, and being able to create it is a privilege to me. I've worked up some multi-color yarns and will be posting posting posting.......
Yeay! I'm so excited to show you!
Also, I have started a denim repurpose project. It involves VHS tapes and some recycled denim blue jeans, not just blue, but multiple shades. So you can expect to see some new items in my Etsy shop, I have many new ideas as always, but the development and production part take some time!
Be sure to check out nevernotknitting.com also. Alana Dakos is a very inspiring knitwear designer and I am in love with her podcast!!! All you knitters out there will love it!
Thanks for checking in! Be sure to check out the new pics and new shop items